Accelerate your Appchain

Layer Labs is an Appchain and L2 venture studio & incubator. We offer end-to-end solutions for technical design, maintenance, and go-to-market for seamless Appchain deployments. We incubate projects internally to contribute to the growth of the Appchain ecosystem.

Appchain Advantages

AppChains provide several benefits such as better scalability, transaction speed, user experience, value capture, and customizability.

Fee Capture

For every single transaction, you will capture sequencer revenue to redistribute as you see fit.  

Dedicated Blockspace

Dedicated blockspace ensures your blockchain can handle transactions and data more efficiently than general purpose blockchains.


Full control over the tech stack allows for customized risk, requirements, and innovation.


Our custom end-to-end solutions will save you time, effort, and capital by reducing the technical complexity of launching and designing an Appchain.

  • Appchain & technology stack design:

    Minimize your time and capital spent determining the optimal technology stack for your Appchain.
  • Go-to-market, branding & marketing:

    Layer Labs & network have brought world class products to market with strong PMF. Lean on our experience to do the same for your Appchain.  
  • Partner, fundraising, auditing, & grants support:

    Take advantage of an accelerated trajectory to the ecosystems, investor networks, and partners best suited to your vision.
Incubation Projects


Book a Free Consultation to discuss designing and launching your Appchain!